- Staff
- Recruitment & Selection
- The Councils of the City & County of Kilkenny Health, Safety & Welfare at Work Annual Report 2010
Staff Structure
The following Resignations and Retirements took place during 2010:
TOTAL | 3 | TOTAL | 17 |
Staff Returns
Human Resources compiles a return of staff numbers which is submitted to the Department of Environment, Heritage & Local Government every quarter. The following staff details were returned for quarter ending 31.12.2010:
Managerial | 5 | 5 |
Clerical/Administrative | 185 | 163.95 |
Professional/Technical | 76 | 75.80 |
Outdoor | 292 | 273.40 |
Supernumeries | 9 | 9 |
Contract | 9 | 8.49 |
National Development Plan Project Staff | 1 | 1 |
Temporary/Seasonal Staff | 4 | 4 |
Fire-Fighter | 66 | N/A |
Non DoEHLG | 10 | 7.50 |
TOTAL | 657 | 548.14 |
Staff Welfare
Kilkenny Local Authorities have an Employee Assistance Programme in partnership with Quinn Healthcare. The Programme is designed to assist individuals in dealing with their personal and work related problems. The service is provided through a confidential helpline and face to face interaction offering both counselling and information services. The service is a valuable management tool in maintaining employee well-being and enhancing organisational performance.
Staff Leave
The following staff availed of Work Life Balance Schemes:
Shorter Working Year | 14 |
Work Share | 44 |
Parental Leave | 25 |
Equality and Diversity
Kilkenny Local Authorities fully subscribe to the principles of equality as set out in the Employment Equality Acts 1998 & 2004. During the year training was provided to staff in equality and diversity which is ongoing. The Equality Action Team work in partnership with the Human Resources Department in ensuring compliance with all policies in relation to equality and diversity.
Service Indicators
The Service Indicators for Kilkenny Local Authorities as at September 2009:
C1. Percentage of Working days lost to sickness absence through
Certified Leave | 4.33% |
Uncertified Leave | 0.49% |
Recruitment and Selection
Kilkenny Local Authorities is an equal opportunities employer. Independent Interview Boards are appointed to recommend the most suitable candidates for employment in accordance with the various qualifications and particulars of employment which apply to the grades concerned.
Vacancies arising in Kilkenny Local Authorities are advertised as follows:
- Local or National Press
- Kilkenny Local Authorities Website: www.kilkennycoco.ie
Twenty [20] separate interviews were held during the year for various permanent and temporary positions.
Since March 2009 there has been a Moratorium on staff recruitment and sanction from the Department is required for any new positions or the filling of vacancies arising from resignations, retirements etc.
The Councils of the City & County of Kilkenny Health, Safety & Welfare at Work Annual Report 2010
A. Safety Consultation/ Committees
B. Policies
C. Safety Statements
D. Training
E. Accident management & Corrective Action
F. Audits
A. Safety Consultation/ Committees
Safety Management Committee (SMC)
- Met five times over the year.
- Safety Programme approval & roll out
- Training Plan 2010 approval
- JCSC issue action
Joint Consultative Safety Committee (JCSC) is the consultative Committee set up consisting of the Safety Representatives from the varying work areas across the Council established to comply with Section 25 and 26 of 'The Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act, 2005' which, sets out the obligation for proper consultation in the workplace and accommodation for Safety Representatives.
- Met 3 times over the year
Committee consulted & informed on:
- H&S Programme 2010 progress
- H&S Training Plan delivery 2010
Safety representative nominations were sought for the majority of areas due to the 3 year term of office expiring in November
- New Safety reps whom started were Damian Knox - Water Services and Tommy Knox - Housing
- A lot of the old Safety reps were asked to stay on in office due to lack of interest
South Eastern Regional Advisory Committee SERAC - is a sub-committee of the HSA with committee members being representatives from workplaces across the south east. Kilkenny Local Authority being representative of Councils. The HSA has four regional advisory committees who promote health and safety in the regions. In addition the committees have the opportunity to offer feed back and recommendations to the Board of the Authority.
- Met 3 times over the year
- SERAC Half day SEMINAR: CSP's Safety Management Pack for 20 or less employees (SMP20) in Construction - all Kilkenny Local Authorities contractors were invited to attend
Local Authority Safety Advisor Group - LASAG
- Met 6 times over the year.
Policy Development
- 59 policies identified and developed by LASAG for national adoption
- 4 sets of 5 consulted on with senior management and HSO's within each local authority
- Checklists drafted for safety inspections across the council service areas
Event Safety
Event Safety LASAG Sub - Committee Chairperson: L. Russell
- Developed Event Safety Flowchart
Kilkenny hosted the LASAG meeting in November.
HSA Inspections/ Enforcement
- Improvement Notice - A HSA Inspector issued one for the Nursery Chainsaw Accident
Reports of Inspection 3 of which were issued by HSA Inspectors as follows:
- Thomastown Roadworks
- Kilkenny Roadworks - roller and contractor
- Fall from Roof Accident
Workplace Contact Unit of the HSA received two complaints from members of the public relating to:
- Line Marking/ Road Painting Contractor
- Newrath Area - Access
B. Policies
Construction Management
- The Construction Regulation Flow Chart was reviewed
- 2 x Construction H&S Workshops were held
Visual Display Unit and Workstation Analysis
- Workstation Analysis system roll out to Finance and persons experiencing visual difficulty
- Review and circulation of Visual Display Unit Eye / Eyesight Test & Glasses Policy
Event Safety
- Kilkenny Hurling team Homecoming Event Safety Management Plan & training/ briefings/ meetings
- Homecoming de-briefing & post event reports
Statutory/ Technical Inspections
- Lifting Equipment Testing - was carried out
- Portable Appliance Testing - Commenced
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- PPE tender review
C. Safety Statements
Housing Maintenance Job Specific Safety Statement was developed based on the recently launched SSWP - Housing & Monument Maintenance. The development of the document which was based on risk assessment encompassed furthermore:
- Roofwork Task Analysis
- Hazard Control Action Plan development and roll out
- SSWP Training - Commenced 1 of 4 crews have been trained but still awaiting training course development by LASAG
- SSWP use - by all relevant staff underway
- Training Matrix developed
Safe Working at Height Equipment Procurement & Training Provision
- Safe Ladder System -
Has been procured by 2 out of 4 crews & part procured by 3rd crew
- 10 x Operatives selected and trained
Roofwork System
- Demonstration attendance by Housing staff
- Has been procured by Crew 1 of 2
- 8 x Operatives selected and trained
- 4 x Supervisors in attendance as observers also
Safe Working at Heights & Step Ladder Training
- To be arranged for all necessary staff
- Inspection & Certification of Equipment - This was arranged for ALL heights equipment
Traffic wardens Safety Statement is in progress
Machinery yard Safety Statement was reviewed and is now in place
Water Services:
The following Sewage Pumping Station Site Specific Safety Statements are in place -
- Market Yard. Confined Space training and piloting of the confined space permit to work system took place in Market Yard. The Confined Space Equipment has been purchased and is in place.
- Maudlin Street/
- Dukesmeadows
The following items were also achieved via the priority Hazard Control Action Plan:
- Welfare facilities - Troyswood
- Railings - Market Yard
- Contractor Competency assessment
- Lock out/ tag out equipment purchased and in place for Purcellsinch and Troyswood.
The lone working system is still not yet fully implemented for the pilot group but, will be completed in early 2011.
Fire Service
Under the Operational Safety Statement Action Plan the following items were progressed:
- Crane Operations Checklists drafted
- Violence & aggression risk assessments drafted
- Decontamination kits procured and in place
- Winch training sourced and delivered
- Asbestos awareness training sourced and delivered
- Height access audit undertook equipment still to be procured
Under the Station Safety Statements the following took place:
- Callan Station Site Specific Safety Statement approved and in place
- Urlingford Station Site Specific Safety Statement drafted.
- Freshford Safety Inspection carried out.
- A SACFO is to administer the Safety documentation for the Fire Service.
Civil Defence
- 'The Civil Defence regional Competition' Risk Assessments were developed
- Safety Inspection Checklists commenced
- Lone working procedures to be finalised for the Environmental Technician
- Litter Wardens Safety Statement prepared and awaiting approval
- Waste Management Road Checkpoints Safety Statement prepared and awaiting approval
- Nursery Safety Statement reviewed and is now in place
- Cemetery Safety Statement prepared and awaiting approval
- Machinery Yard - Emergency Procedures for diesel and petrol leak and exposure developed and circulated
County Hall
- Disability risk assessments reviewed
- Fire alarm tests conducted
- 2 x Fire drills conducted over 12 months
- Fire marshal appointments & briefing
- Emergency Evacuation procedure revision & circulation
- Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEPs) reviewed
- Fire Action Notices reviewed
Johns Green
- Fire Marshal appointed & briefing given
- PEEP/ Fire action revision & circulation
D. Training
- Safepass
- SSWP for Housing and Monument Maintenance
- Manual Handling
- Mower and Strimmers
- Tractor / Trailer & mower
- Ride on Roller
- Consaw / Roadsaw
- Forklift Refresher
- Chainsaw
- Driver CPC
- CSCS Mobile Access Tower Scaffold
- Safe Ladder System
- Safe Roofwork System
- Lifejacket
- Confined Space - Safe System of Work
- Safety & Health Construction Workshop
- Violence & Aggression
- Occupational First Aid
- Vehicle mounted with MEWP
E. Accident management & Corrective Action
In 2010 there were 15 accidents 5 of which were reportable to the HSA. There were 7 near misses 1 of which was HSA reportable. These accidents/ incidents were reported and investigated in accordance with our Accident/ Incident Management policy. Corrective action being implemented where deemed necessary following the investigation.
F. Audits
The following audits were carried out by an appointed consultant and in - house:
- 11 x Roadworks. A high level of compliance was found within the Roads Section.
- 8 x Water Services
- 5 x Housing
- 1 x Dunmore Civic Amenity Plant
- All
- Nursery
- Housing
Expenditure 2010
€20,000 approximately was allocated to the Health & Safety Department in 2010
Item | Cost |
Membership & Subscription Fees | €3,382.06 |
Publications | €631.81 |
PPE | €102.41 |
Occupational Health | €50.00 |
Training | €2,600.90 |
Eye / Eyesight Test / Glasses | €7,774.38 |
Noise Meter | €3,023.79 |
First Aid Supplies | €349.69 |
Consultancy | €1,586.31 |
TOTAL | €19,501.35 |